Emily is a professional engineer who came to TEI after six years working in the realm of residential structures. She earned her BS in Architectural Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
She is a Texan who grew up in the suburbs of Sugar Land. However, during four years living and working in Seattle, Emily learned to appreciate the freedom gained from transportation options, while using public transit regularly in her daily life for the first time.
Emily has now set her sights on the world of traffic engineering and hopes to make a positive impact on public life. Home again in Houston, she has a new appreciation for the culture and vibrancy of the city. She is excited by the new multimodal infrastructure the city offers and continues to improve upon, and is inspired to be a part of the efforts to make Houston more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
In her free time, Emily enjoys playing tennis, walking and biking around the Heights neighborhood, listening to endless podcasts, and spending quality time with her cat, Darlene.